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The Critical Difference Between Disciples and Wannabes.

When life gets tough we usually react one of two ways. We either blame God for our troubles and complain and whine to anyone who will listen to us (we want sympathy and we want attention to minimize our hurt,)  or we get determined to find God in our situation. Read the rest of this entry

God’s Chosen Weapon For Changing The World Is . . .

The church had a vision statement that covered all the bases. No one could take issue with the noble things it talked about and the statement contained something for everyone.  The problem was the church was rapidly shrinking and nothing the pastor and lay leaders did could stop the loss of members.

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Since You Are So Great Why Don’t You Tell Everyone?

So Jesus and his half-brothers locked horns over how he should promote himself. They wanted the “big splash” method with him going to Jerusalem and making as many waves as possible, “Show yourself to the world! Make a name for yourself that makes us proud.” Read the rest of this entry